Saturday, April 29, 2017

Juniperus horizontalis

Yes! a few days ago, the male flowers released their pollen and yesterday i finally found, on a different plant (dioecious) a few female flowers with a last year berry ( which is not a true berry) and a two year old  ripe, blue, berry on the same branch.

April 29, 2017
Along the Takhini river, on the Kusawa road

and male flowers releasing pollen on April 25, 2017
same place

Friday, April 21, 2017


April 21, 2017
I put a sprig in a vase on wednesday, and picked on April 19 like this

Empetrum nigrum subsp. hermaphroditum

update May 21 2017: The E.nigrum is now past blooming in the wild, it flowered the first week of May. Yesterday  i noticed how the plant has now light green/whitish buds, looking like flower buds, but they are the leave buds.